【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
【Sylvain de Léséleuc】 Ultrafast Rydberg experiments with ultracold atoms
【大森賢治】冷却原子の量子コンピュータ への展開
“Resonant stroboscopic Rydberg dressing: electron-motion coupling and multi-body interactions”
“Measurement and feed-forward correction of the fast phase noise of lasers”
【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
““Super-resolution” holographic optical tweezers array”
【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
【Sylvain de Léséleuc】 A cold-atom quantum computer
【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
【富田隆文】Ultrafast Rydberg experiment with ultracold atoms in optical tweezers
“Proposal for simulating quantum spin models with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction using Rydberg atoms and the construction of asymptotic quantum many-body scar states”
“Atom Camera: Super-resolution scanning microscope of a light pattern with a single ultracold atom”
【富田隆文】Controlling ultrafast Rydberg dynamics with ultracold atoms in optical tweezers
【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
【Vincent Lienhard】Generation of motional squeezed states in an optical tweezers
【Sylvain de Léséleuc】A Rb-based cold-atom quantum computer
“Strong Spin-Motion Coupling in the Ultrafast Dynamics of Rydberg Atoms”
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 093405 (2024). arXiv:2311.15575 (2023).
“Generation of 480 nm picosecond pulses for ultrafast excitation of Rydberg atoms”
“Ultraprecise holographic optical tweezer array”
【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Ultrafast Rydberg experiments with ultracold atoms
【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Making a Cold-Atom Quantum Computer
【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
【富田隆文】Ultrafast Rydberg experiments with ultracold atoms in optical tweezers
【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Ultrafast Rydberg experiments with ultracold atoms
【Sylvain de Léséleuc】 Ultrafast Rydberg experiments with ultracold atoms
【Vikas Chauhan】 Ultrafast Quantum Many-body Dynamics of Rydberg Excited Atomic Mott-Insulator Lattice
【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
【富田隆文】冷却原子型量子コンピュータの急速な発展とその展望について(2024 年 5 月版)
【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
【松原卓也】High Density Rydberg Gas Produced by Ultrashort Pulse Excitation and Spontaneous Ionization Induced by Rydberg-Rydberg Interactions
【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
【松原卓也】High Density Rydberg Gas Produced by Picosecond Laser Pulses Toward Ultrafast Quant um Simulation
【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Strong Spin-Motion Coupling in the Ultrafast Quantum Many-body Dynamics of Rydberg Atoms in a Mott-insulator Lattice
【富田隆文】Ultrafast Rydberg experiments with ultracold atoms in optical tweezers
【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
【Karthikeyan Ganesan】Towards coherent excitation to Rydberg states using home-made lasers
【Arnab Maity】Characterization of chirped Bragg grating for cold-atom quantum computing applications
【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Motion of atoms in optical tweezers: from thermal to squeezing and entanglement
【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
“Picosecond-scale ultrafast many-body dynamics in an ultracold Rydberg-excited atomic Mott insulator”
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 123201 (2023); arXiv:2201.09590 (2022).
【Vikas Chauhan】Ultrafast Quantum Simulator using Ultracold Rydberg-excited Atomic Mott-insulator
【周鳥居諭来】Ultrafast energy exchange between two single Rydberg atoms on a nanosecond timescale
【Mahesh Tirumalasetty Panduranga】Towards high-fidelity ultrafast excitation of atoms to Rydberg states
【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Ultrafast Control of Rydberg Atoms with Pulsed Lasers for Cold-Atom Quantum Computing and Simulation
【Tom Denecker-Desmonts】Cancellation of laser phase noise for high fidelity quantum gate
【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Ultrafast Rydberg experiments with ultracold atoms in optical tweezers
【Aito Tanaka】Non-destructive state-selective imaging of cold Rubidium atoms with a compact and integrated laser system
【Metkham Pravongviengkham】Manipulation of cold atoms with the MuQuans laser system
【Akane Makino】The Moonshot Research and Development Program of Japan
【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Ultrafast Rydberg Experiments With Ultracold Atoms in Optical Tweezers
【Kenji Ohmori】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
【Vikas Chauhan】Ultrafast Quantum Simulator Using Ultracold Rydberg Excited AtomicMott-Insulator
【大森賢治】Japan’s Policy on Quantum Technology and Innovation
【Sylvain de Léséleuc 】アトム・バイ・アトムで作る量子デバイスの実現
【Kenji Ohmori】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
【Jean-Samuel Tettekpoe】Towards assembly of arrays of 1000 atoms
【Kenji Ohmori】Ultrafast Quantum Computing with Ultracold Atom Arrays at Quantum Speed Limit
【Kenji Ohmori】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
【Romain Martin】Generation of Squeezed State of Motion for Atoms in Optical Tweezers
【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Ultrafast Rydberg Experiments with Ultracold Atoms in Optical Tweezers
【Tom Denecker-Desmonts】Fast feed-forward cancellation of laser phase noise for cold atom experiments
【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Ultrafast Rydberg Experiments with Ultracold Atoms in Optical Tweezers
【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Cold-atom-based quantum computer: roadmap
【T. Denecker, S. de Léséleuc, 周鳥居諭来, 富田隆文, T.P. Mahesh, R. Villela, 素川靖司, 大森賢治】Fast feed-forward cancellation of laser phase noise for cold atom experiments
【周鳥居諭来, J. Morla Al Yahya, R. Kocik, T. Denecker, S. de Léséleuc, 富田隆文, M. Tirumalasetty Panduranga, R. Villela, 素川靖司, 大森賢治】光ファイバー型超高速スイッチを用いたサブナノ秒のラビ振動の観測
“Optical tweezers throw and catch single atoms”
【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Rydberg Interaction Calculators: The Experimentalists Guides to the Rydberg Galaxy
【Takafumi Tomita】Atom Camera: Super-resolution scanning microscopy of a light field with an ultracold single atom
【大森賢治】量子スピード限界で動作する冷却原子型 超高速量子コンピュータの開発
【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Ultrafast Rydberg experiments with ultracold atoms in optical tweezers
【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum computer/simulator with attosecond precision
【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum computer/simulator operating at the single-atom level
“Ultrafast energy exchange between two single Rydberg atoms on a nanosecond timescale”
【Takafumi Tomita】Atom Camera: Super-resolution imaging of an optical field with a single ultracold atom in an optical tweezers
【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Ultrafast Rydberg experiments with ultracold atoms in optical tweezer
【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Raman-sideband cooling of 800 atoms to the quantum ground-state of optical tweezers
【Rene Villela】 Coherence time of the spin degree of freedom of neutral atoms in optical tweezers
【大森賢治】 アト秒精度の超高速・極低温量子シミュレータ・量子コンピュータ
【Kenji Ohmori】Ultrafast and ultracold quantum simulator/computer with attosecond precision
【大森賢治】 アト秒精度の超高速量子シミュレータ開発と量子コンピュータへの応用
【Kenji Ohmori】Japan’s quantum-technology testbeds
【Kenji Ohmori】Ultrafast and ultracold quantum simulator/computer with attosecond precision
【Kenji Ohmori】Ultrafast and ultracold quantum simulator/computer with attosecond precision
“Engineering quantum wave-packet dispersion with a strong non-resonant femtosecond laser pulse”
Phys. Rev. Research.3, 043021 (2021); arXiv:1910.08241 (2019).
【Tirumalasetty Panduranga Mahesh】Observation of Rabi oscillations between electronic orbitals using ultrafast pulsed laser
【V. Bharti】Ultrafast quantum simulations with interacting Rydberg atoms in a Mott insulator lattice
“Optimal control for suppressing wave packet spreading with strong non-resonant laser pulses”
【大森賢治】Ultrafast and Ultracold Quantum Simulator with Attosecond Precision
【大森賢治】Ultrafast and ultracold quantum simulator/computer with attosecond precision
【大森賢治】Ultrafast and Ultracold Quantum Simulator with Attosecond Precision
“Ultrafast creation of overlapping Rydberg electrons in an atomic BEC and Mott-insulator lattice”
“Attosecond Control of Restoration of Electronic Structure Symmetry”
“Ultrafast Coherent Control of Condensed Matter with Attosecond Precision”
“Direct observation of ultrafast many-body electron dynamics in an ultracold Rydberg gas”
“Time-domain Ramsey interferometry with interacting Rydberg atoms”
“Simultaneous manipulation and observation of multiple ro-vibrational eigenstates in solid para-hydrogen”
“Real-time observation of phase-controlled molecular wave-packet interference”
“Manipulation and visualization of two-dimensional phase distribution of vibrational wave functions in solid parahydrogen crystal,”
“Optically Engineered Quantum States in Ultrafast and Ultracold Systems”
“Quantum Superrotor”
“Theoretical/numerical study on strong-laser-induced interference in the B state of I2”
“All-Optical Control and Visualization of Ultrafast Two-Dimensional Atomic Motions in a Single Crystal of Bismuth”
“Optically engineered quantum interference of delocalized wavefunctions in a bulk solid : The example of solid para-hydrogen”
“Wavepacket interferometry for nuclear densities and flux densities”
Molecular Physics, 111, 1691-1696 (2013). (invited paper)
“Optical manipulation of coherent phonons in superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-d thin films”
Faraday Discuss., 153, 375–382 (2011). (invited paper)
“Strong-Laser-Induced Quantum Interference”
“Optical modification of the vibrational distribution of the iodine molecule”
“Wave packet interferometry with attosecond precision and picometric structure”
“Ultrafast Fourier transform with a femtosecond-laser-driven molecule”
“Optical control and mode selective excitation of coherent phonons in YBa2Cu3O7-d”
“Actively tailored spatiotemporal images of quantum interference on the picometer and femtosecond scales”
“Wave-packet and coherent control dynamics”
“Development of ultrahigh-precision coherent control and its applications”
“コヒーレンスの極限と制御 量子のさざ波を光で制御する”
“READ and WRITE amplitude and phase information by using high-precision molecular wave-packet interferometry”
“Implementation of quantum gate operations in molecules with weak laser fields”
“Visualizing picometric quantum ripples of ultrafast wave-packet interference”
“アト秒精度のコヒーレント制御 -分子振動波束への応用-“
“High precision molecular wave-packet interferometry with Hg-Ar dimmers”
40.“Resonant stroboscopic Rydberg dressing: electron-motion coupling and multi-body interactions”
39.“Measurement and feed-forward correction of the fast phase noise of lasers”
38.““Super-resolution” holographic optical tweezers array”
37.“Proposal for simulating quantum spin models with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction using Rydberg atoms and the construction of asymptotic quantum many-body scar states”
36.“Atom Camera: Super-resolution scanning microscope of a light pattern with a single ultracold atom”
35.“Strong Spin-Motion Coupling in the Ultrafast Dynamics of Rydberg Atoms”
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 093405 (2024). arXiv:2311.15575 (2023).
34.“Generation of 480 nm picosecond pulses for ultrafast excitation of Rydberg atoms”
33.“Ultraprecise holographic optical tweezer array”
32.“Picosecond-scale ultrafast many-body dynamics in an ultracold Rydberg-excited atomic Mott insulator”
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 123201 (2023); arXiv:2201.09590 (2022).
31.“Optical tweezers throw and catch single atoms”
30.“Ultrafast energy exchange between two single Rydberg atoms on a nanosecond timescale”
29.“Engineering quantum wave-packet dispersion with a strong non-resonant femtosecond laser pulse”
Phys. Rev. Research.3, 043021 (2021); arXiv:1910.08241 (2019).
28.“Optimal control for suppressing wave packet spreading with strong non-resonant laser pulses”
27.“Ultrafast creation of overlapping Rydberg electrons in an atomic BEC and Mott-insulator lattice”
26.“Attosecond Control of Restoration of Electronic Structure Symmetry”
25.“Ultrafast Coherent Control of Condensed Matter with Attosecond Precision”
24.“Direct observation of ultrafast many-body electron dynamics in an ultracold Rydberg gas”
23.“Time-domain Ramsey interferometry with interacting Rydberg atoms”
22.“Simultaneous manipulation and observation of multiple ro-vibrational eigenstates in solid para-hydrogen”
21.“Real-time observation of phase-controlled molecular wave-packet interference”
20.“Manipulation and visualization of two-dimensional phase distribution of vibrational wave functions in solid parahydrogen crystal,”
19.“Optically Engineered Quantum States in Ultrafast and Ultracold Systems”
18.“Quantum Superrotor”
17.“Theoretical/numerical study on strong-laser-induced interference in the B state of I2”
16.“All-Optical Control and Visualization of Ultrafast Two-Dimensional Atomic Motions in a Single Crystal of Bismuth”
15.“Optically engineered quantum interference of delocalized wavefunctions in a bulk solid : The example of solid para-hydrogen”
14.“Wavepacket interferometry for nuclear densities and flux densities”
Molecular Physics, 111, 1691-1696 (2013). (invited paper)
13.“Optical manipulation of coherent phonons in superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-d thin films”
Faraday Discuss., 153, 375–382 (2011). (invited paper)
12.“Strong-Laser-Induced Quantum Interference”
11.“Optical modification of the vibrational distribution of the iodine molecule”
10.“Wave packet interferometry with attosecond precision and picometric structure”
9.“Ultrafast Fourier transform with a femtosecond-laser-driven molecule”
8.“Optical control and mode selective excitation of coherent phonons in YBa2Cu3O7-d”
7.“Actively tailored spatiotemporal images of quantum interference on the picometer and femtosecond scales”
6.“Wave-packet and coherent control dynamics”
5.“Development of ultrahigh-precision coherent control and its applications”
4.“READ and WRITE amplitude and phase information by using high-precision molecular wave-packet interferometry”
3.“Implementation of quantum gate operations in molecules with weak laser fields”
2.“Visualizing picometric quantum ripples of ultrafast wave-packet interference”
1.“High precision molecular wave-packet interferometry with Hg-Ar dimmers”
79.【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
77.【大森賢治】冷却原子の量子コンピュータ への展開
74.【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
73.【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
72.【Sylvain de Léséleuc】 A cold-atom quantum computer
70.【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
69.【富田隆文】Ultrafast Rydberg experiment with ultracold atoms in optical tweezers
67.【富田隆文】Controlling ultrafast Rydberg dynamics with ultracold atoms in optical tweezers
66.【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
65.【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
61.【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
60.【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Ultrafast Rydberg experiments with ultracold atoms
59.【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
58.【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
57.【富田隆文】Ultrafast Rydberg experiments with ultracold atoms in optical tweezers
56.【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Ultrafast Rydberg experiments with ultracold atoms
54.【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
53.【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
52.【富田隆文】冷却原子型量子コンピュータの急速な発展とその展望について(2024 年 5 月版)
51.【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
49.【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
48.【松原卓也】High Density Rydberg Gas Produced by Picosecond Laser Pulses Toward Ultrafast Quant um Simulation
47.【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
42.【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
41.【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
40.【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
37.【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
36.【Kenji Ohmori】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
35.【大森賢治】Japan’s Policy on Quantum Technology and Innovation
34.【Sylvain de Léséleuc 】アトム・バイ・アトムで作る量子デバイスの実現
32.【Kenji Ohmori】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
31.【Kenji Ohmori】Ultrafast Quantum Computing with Ultracold Atom Arrays at Quantum Speed Limit
30.【Kenji Ohmori】Ultrafast quantum simulation and quantum computing with ultracold atom arrays at quantum speed limit
23.【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Rydberg Interaction Calculators: The Experimentalists Guides to the Rydberg Galaxy
22.【Takafumi Tomita】Atom Camera: Super-resolution scanning microscopy of a light field with an ultracold single atom
18.【大森賢治】量子スピード限界で動作する冷却原子型 超高速量子コンピュータの開発
15.【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Ultrafast Rydberg experiments with ultracold atoms in optical tweezers
14.【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum computer/simulator with attosecond precision
13.【大森賢治】Ultrafast quantum computer/simulator operating at the single-atom level
11.【大森賢治】 アト秒精度の超高速・極低温量子シミュレータ・量子コンピュータ
9.【Kenji Ohmori】Ultrafast and ultracold quantum simulator/computer with attosecond precision
8.【大森賢治】 アト秒精度の超高速量子シミュレータ開発と量子コンピュータへの応用
7.【Kenji Ohmori】Japan’s quantum-technology testbeds
6.【Kenji Ohmori】Ultrafast and ultracold quantum simulator/computer with attosecond precision
5.【Kenji Ohmori】Ultrafast and ultracold quantum simulator/computer with attosecond precision
4.【大森賢治】Ultrafast and Ultracold Quantum Simulator with Attosecond Precision
2.【大森賢治】Ultrafast and ultracold quantum simulator/computer with attosecond precision
1.【大森賢治】Ultrafast and Ultracold Quantum Simulator with Attosecond Precision
27.【Sylvain de Léséleuc】 Ultrafast Rydberg experiments with ultracold atoms
25.【Vincent Lienhard】Generation of motional squeezed states in an optical tweezers
24.【Sylvain de Léséleuc】A Rb-based cold-atom quantum computer
23.【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Making a Cold-Atom Quantum Computer
22.【Sylvain de Léséleuc】 Ultrafast Rydberg experiments with ultracold atoms
21.【Vikas Chauhan】 Ultrafast Quantum Many-body Dynamics of Rydberg Excited Atomic Mott-Insulator Lattice
20.【松原卓也】High Density Rydberg Gas Produced by Ultrashort Pulse Excitation and Spontaneous Ionization Induced by Rydberg-Rydberg Interactions
18.【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Strong Spin-Motion Coupling in the Ultrafast Quantum Many-body Dynamics of Rydberg Atoms in a Mott-insulator Lattice
17.【富田隆文】Ultrafast Rydberg experiments with ultracold atoms in optical tweezers
16.【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Motion of atoms in optical tweezers: from thermal to squeezing and entanglement
14.【周鳥居諭来】Ultrafast energy exchange between two single Rydberg atoms on a nanosecond timescale
13.【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Ultrafast Control of Rydberg Atoms with Pulsed Lasers for Cold-Atom Quantum Computing and Simulation
12.【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Ultrafast Rydberg Experiments With Ultracold Atoms in Optical Tweezers
11.【Vikas Chauhan】Ultrafast Quantum Simulator Using Ultracold Rydberg Excited AtomicMott-Insulator
10.【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Ultrafast Rydberg Experiments with Ultracold Atoms in Optical Tweezers
9.【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Ultrafast Rydberg Experiments with Ultracold Atoms in Optical Tweezers
8.【T. Denecker, S. de Léséleuc, 周鳥居諭来, 富田隆文, T.P. Mahesh, R. Villela, 素川靖司, 大森賢治】Fast feed-forward cancellation of laser phase noise for cold atom experiments
7.【周鳥居諭来, J. Morla Al Yahya, R. Kocik, T. Denecker, S. de Léséleuc, 富田隆文, M. Tirumalasetty Panduranga, R. Villela, 素川靖司, 大森賢治】光ファイバー型超高速スイッチを用いたサブナノ秒のラビ振動の観測
6.【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Raman-sideband cooling of 800 atoms to the quantum ground-state of optical tweezers
4.【Rene Villela】 Coherence time of the spin degree of freedom of neutral atoms in optical tweezers
2.【Tirumalasetty Panduranga Mahesh】Observation of Rabi oscillations between electronic orbitals using ultrafast pulsed laser
1.【V. Bharti】Ultrafast quantum simulations with interacting Rydberg atoms in a Mott insulator lattice
15.【Karthikeyan Ganesan】Towards coherent excitation to Rydberg states using home-made lasers
14.【Arnab Maity】Characterization of chirped Bragg grating for cold-atom quantum computing applications
13.【Vikas Chauhan】Ultrafast Quantum Simulator using Ultracold Rydberg-excited Atomic Mott-insulator
12.【Mahesh Tirumalasetty Panduranga】Towards high-fidelity ultrafast excitation of atoms to Rydberg states
11.【Tom Denecker-Desmonts】Cancellation of laser phase noise for high fidelity quantum gate
10.【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Ultrafast Rydberg experiments with ultracold atoms in optical tweezers
9.【Aito Tanaka】Non-destructive state-selective imaging of cold Rubidium atoms with a compact and integrated laser system
8.【Metkham Pravongviengkham】Manipulation of cold atoms with the MuQuans laser system
7.【Akane Makino】The Moonshot Research and Development Program of Japan
6.【Jean-Samuel Tettekpoe】Towards assembly of arrays of 1000 atoms
5.【Romain Martin】Generation of Squeezed State of Motion for Atoms in Optical Tweezers
4.【Tom Denecker-Desmonts】Fast feed-forward cancellation of laser phase noise for cold atom experiments
3.【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Cold-atom-based quantum computer: roadmap
2.【Takafumi Tomita】Atom Camera: Super-resolution imaging of an optical field with a single ultracold atom in an optical tweezers
1.【Sylvain de Léséleuc】Ultrafast Rydberg experiments with ultracold atoms in optical tweezer
5.“コヒーレンスの極限と制御 量子のさざ波を光で制御する”
2.“アト秒精度のコヒーレント制御 -分子振動波束への応用-“