
流しそうめん flowing noodle 2024

毎年恒例となった大森研の流しそうめん!今年は昨年の経験を活かし、より盛大で計画的なイベントとなりました。Nagashi Somen (flowing noodles) at Ohmori lab has become an annual event! This year, taking advantage of last year’s experience, the event was more successful and well-planned.

鈴井さんを筆頭に竹の入手から組み立てまで自分たちで行いました!今年はベビーカステラをみんなで作ったり、薬味をたくさん用意したり、そうめんを一緒に茹でたり、チームに分かれて準備を楽しみながら頑張りました★Headed by  Suzui-san, the team did everything from obtaining the bamboo to assembling it themselves! This year, we made baby sponge cakes together, prepared lots of condiments, boiled somen noodles together, and enjoyed preparing them in teams★

流しそうめんでお腹がいっぱいになった後はスイカ割り!目隠しをして、ぐるぐる回ってみんなで協力しながら、見事にスイカ割り成功!そしてとっても美味しいスイカをみんなで食べました!「日本の夏」を感じることができ、最高に楽しい時間を過ごすことができました。After filling up on Nagashi Somen, we split a watermelon!Wearing blindfolds and spinning in circles Everyone worked together and successfully split the watermelon!We all enjoyed eating the delicious watermelon! We had a great time and could feel the “Japanese summer”.

*Sōmen (Japanese: 素麺) is a very thin noodle made of wheat flour.
*Nagashi-sōmen (流しそうめん flowing noodles):Using a bamboo cut in half, somen noodles are floated along with water, caught with chopsticks, and eaten. This is considered a summer custom in Japan.
*Suikawari (スイカ割り watermelon smashing), is a Japanese beach activity in summer. Similar to the Mexican piñata, suikawari involves blindfolded players trying to smash a watermelon guided by the shouts of their friends.

