
Internship Report (Romain)

We have received a report from Romain who has completed his internship in our lab. Thank you very much for your hard work over the five months from March to August.

Assistant Professor Sylvain De Léséleuc gave me the chance to work as an intern in Okazaki. My internship began in March 2023 and ended after five months.

The group is studying the ultra-fast interaction between two Rydberg atoms. This energy exchange, happening on the nano-second time scale, is very sensitive to the atomic distance. As a consequence, we need to limit the fluctuations of atoms position. After cooling the atoms to their motional ground state in their optical tweezer we reach the standard quantum limit set by Heisenberg inequality. To go further we need to squeeze their motional state meaning we increase their momentum spread to reduce their position spread. During my 5-month internship I studied the generation of squeezing and how efficiently we could get them back to the ground state. I explored its limitations set by the trap array inhomogeneity, the anisotropy and anharmonicity of each trap.

Assistant Prof. Sylvain De Léséleuc also gave me the opportunity to accompany him to the Quantum 2.0 conference in Denver, Colorado. I could present my first results during a poster session and assist many presentations given by researchers from all around the world on various applications of Quantum Mechanics in new technologies. This experience allowed me to discover and learn about the state of the art in many different fields of Quantum technologies.

This internship was a great experience where I acquired understanding in both research and physics. Ohmori group is a very stimulating environment. Everyone is willing to present his current work or share specific skills. We held weekly meetings to converse about recent papers, electronics techniques, and computer science skills that are useful in our research. During this internship I was also able visit Japan during weekends and some vacations days. I again thank the lab for helping us in understanding and adapting to this fascinating different culture.