
Conference Report (ColdAtomMoleculeInteractions(CATMIN)Ⅲ、Vineet)

当研究室のVineetさんが、7/10~14にイギリス、ロンドンで開催されたCold Atom Molecule Interactions(CATMIN)Ⅲに参加しました。その様子がわかるレポートがVineetさんから届きましたので、どうぞご覧ください!
Vineet attended Cold Atom Molecule Interactions (CATMIN)Ⅲ held in London, United Kingdom, from 10-14 July. We have received a report from him, so please take a look!

The Cold Atom Molecule Interactions (CATMIN) is a relatively new conference (biennial event since 2019), which promotes the research related to Rydberg physics and chemistry. I participated in this year’s CATMIN-III which was held at University College London (UCL), UK from 10-14 July 2023 on the 135 years of Rydberg formula! The theme of the conference, Frontiers in Rydberg Physics—from few body interactions to many-body quantum simulations, was very close to what we are doing here in Okazaki.
CATMIN-III provided an exciting opportunity for me to interact with the pioneers, experience and young researchers of the Rydberg community. There were a bunch of talks and poster presentations on the recent developments in Rydberg atom based quantum simulations and computations. I also presented a poster and demonstrated our unique ultrafast Rydberg simulator, which attracted a wide audience. I enjoyed conversations on our as well as other researchers’ work. The conference was indeed a fantastic experience for me.
This time I was accompanied by my family. In our limited free time, we enjoyed visiting some great attractions in vibrant London, particularly exploring the Natural History Museum, which exhibits a vast range of specimens from various segments of natural history, was a magnificent experience for us.

I thank past and present members of Ohmori-group for their contributions to the wonderful results presented by me in the CATMIN-III, and the administrative staff for making my UCL visit as comfortable as possible.