
Internship Report (Axel)

We have received a report from Axel who has completed his internship in our lab! Thank you very much for your hard work over the five months from March to August.

When I applied for this internship, I knew I was signing up for an adventure. And what an adventure it was! I sincerely thank Professor Ohmori and Professor de Léséleuc for giving me the chance to have this experience.

Working within the Ohmori Group at IMS has been a real pleasure. It is a great place to work. It is not surprising to hear five different languages during lunches shared with the whole team. People work with passion, and this is evident when we ask questions to make progress. I am very grateful to the entire group for the support I received, which undoubtedly helped me grow significantly both as a physicist and as a person.
As a Frenchman, I also wanted to have a Japanese experience. Although the laboratory has an international component, traditional activities such as the Hanami Party, Somen, Bon Odori and watermelon smashing (Suikawari) punctuated my internship and enriched it.

One of the strengths of the Ohmori Group, and what makes it such a remarkable place, is the chemistry (yes, I managed to mention chemistry in a report for a physics lab) that contributes to making the experience of an intern as successful as possible. The Python classes, the Journal Club, the workshops, and the weekly meetings all contributed to developing the scientific qualities of those who participated. Sharpening one’s intuition and being creative are two great habits for a physicist, but so is knowing how to present and share one’s results. For these last two skills, I warmly thank Dr. Chew, Dr. Jaunet, and Dr. Lienhard for their time (both in the lab and outside).

Outside of work, I had the chance to travel around the country and witness the beauty of Japanese landscapes. I will never forget this summer of 2024, and, once again, I thank all those who contributed to making this five-month experience happen under the best possible conditions, particularly the administrative team!