
Internship Report (Tom)

We have received a report from Tom who has completed his internship in our lab. Thank you very much for your hard work over the four months from April to August.

Honestly, at first, I just wanted to spend time in Japan. My plan was to do my job and just enjoy this beautiful country in which every day feels like an adventure. However, I ended up enjoying working with this team way more than I expected. I met a ton of lovely people and made a lot of great friends, as well as found where I went to continue my studies.
Part of me was afraid to be alone in a foreign country. I had been told about a few bad experiences of internships, but I was welcomed warmly and never felt lonely during my stay. We ate together every lunch (which is very important for a French person like me !) and organized events like the nagashi somen (noodle waterslide) or group parties at the local bars. During the day, even at busy times, I always found someone to talk to and help me when I needed. The atmosphere is very friendly, and we would often joke during meetings and presentations. I feel lucky I had the chance to meet everyone.

I also discovered myself an interest for a field of research I knew nothing about. This is thanks to the researchers that care and enjoy teaching us about the physics going on in the lab. Prior to the internship, I had very few lectures related to cold atoms. Although it was a lot at first, the team patiently took time to teach us and made sure we were not left behind during the weekly meeting sessions. I learned a lot and it felt great to take part in the problem-solving discussions. I also could get enough results to present my results in conferences ! I was very lucky, this early in my studies, to meet a research community and interact with people from around the world interested in a common topic ! This was an amazing experience that I was very happy to share with some other interns and my professors.

I think it won’t come off as a surprise that I recommend warmly this team if you are looking for an internship. I had fun, learned a lot, and made a lot of friends. I wish to spend more time there, and I am planning to come back ! Maybe, we will meet there !

See you soon,