

今回(2023年8月6日〜11日)私たちが訪れたロード・アイランド州ニューポートは、ニューイングランド地方の別荘地。ボストンから車で南に2時間ほど。アメリカで資本主義が急速に発展した1870〜80年代前後の「金ぴか時代」に建てられた大豪邸が点在している。アメリカ最古のヨットクラブもあり、港には多くのクルーザーがとまっています。最も有名な豪邸は「The Breakers(ザ・ブレーカーズ)」。学会の合間に希望者は割引で見学することができましたが、とにかく「お金かかってるな〜」という感じ。鉄道王ヴァンダービルド家が建てた大豪邸なんだそう。
Newport, Rhode Island is a summer home in the New England region. It is about a two-hour drive south of Boston. The area is dotted with large mansions built during the “Gilded Age” around the 1870s and 1880s, when capitalism developed rapidly in the United States. The oldest yacht club in the U.S. is also located here, and many cruisers are parked in the harbor. The most famous mansion is “The Breakers”. During the conference, those who wished to visit the Breakers were able to do so at a discount. “Yeah, I feel enormous wealth!” It was like that. It seems to be a big mansion built by the railroad magnate Vanderbilt family.

”2023 Quantum Control of Light and Matter Conference Gordon Research Conference(GRC)
大森教授が議長を務め、当研究室からは7名が参加しました。伝統と権威あるGRCでアジア人初の議長だそうです! 2日目には、数あるポスターから口頭発表に選出された6人の発表者の一人として、Sylvainさんが”Ultrafast Control of Rydberg Atoms with Pulsed Lasers for Cold-Atom Quantum Computing and Simulation”についての発表を行いました。Sylvainさん、おめでとう!2日目と4日目にはSylvainさん、Tomさん、牧野さん、Metkhamさん、田中さん、Maheshsさんのポスター発表がありました。それぞれのポスターのタイトルとアプストラクトは以下の通りです。
Professor Kenji Ohmori chaired the 2023 Quantum Control of Light and Matter Conference Gordon Research Conference (GRC), and seven members from our laboratory participated. As the first Asian chair of the GRC, which is a traditional and prestigious conference, Prof. Kenji Ohmori gave a welcome speech to the participants on the first day of the conference. On the second day, Dr. Sylvain presented “Ultrafast Control of Rydberg Atoms with Pulsed Lasers for Cold-Atom Quantum Computing and Simulation” as one of the six presenters selected for oral presentations from among many posters. Congratulations to Sylvain! On the second and fourth days, there were poster presentations by Sylvain, Tom, Makino, Metkham, Tanaka, and Maheshs. The titles and abstracts of each poster are as follows:


At this year’s GRC, chaired by Professor Ohmori, many Japanese researchers participated beyond the boundaries of their laboratories, so the atmosphere was very homey even though they were in the United States. Students who attended the conference for the first time seemed to be able to relax and take on the challenges of the conference.

