
Conference Report (2023 GRC, Mahesh)

当研究室のMaheshさんが、8/6-11にアメリカ合衆国ロードアイランド州のニューポートで開催された2023 Quantum Control of Light and Matter Conference GRCに参加しました。その様子がわかるレポートがMaheshさんから届きましたので、どうぞご覧ください!
Mahesh attended, 2023 Quantum Control of Light and Matter Conference GRC, Newport, RI, United States, from 6-11 August. We have received a report from him, so please take a look!

I attended Quantum Control of Light and Matter Gordon Research Conference in Salve Regina University, Newport, United states. Its really a great opportunity to attend this great conference during my PhD because this helps me to understand not only neutral atom quantum computation but also some other platform of quantum computation and simulation. I find interesting lectures about quantum metrology using atoms and superconducting qubit. Recently I stated reading about research group using molecules for quantum science and I really enjoyed lectures in GRC and this also helps me to learn new techniques and physics that can be done with molecules.

I also presented my research work where I showed my poster about generation of 480 nm stable pulse laser. Many students and professors came to my poster and I had really great discussion there.

This venue was an island so its highly recommended to go nearby beach for fresh air and nice view. I went to GRC with other members of Ohmori group(family) so we always go together to many restaurants during our stay. Accomodation was average but best thing is we can meet other students and spend time together discussing about research work, sports and other interests.

It’s always amazing to meet new research people working in different countries. I really recommend other youngsters to go to this conference and enjoy the research work and food there. There will not be any big buildings but still its good place to spend a week in an island. In our last day we had a lobster party where we got lobster for free and this was my first time to eat lobster. It’s a bit sad to eat this beautiful creature created by nature.

 Our GRC conference was for one week, it’s a bit comressed schedule but still really enjoyable. To be honest in one week I really miss japanese food as it is the best. After returning back to Japan my cat Mochi kun was extremely happy to see me and helped me to unpack my luggage.