
流しそうめん Flowing noodles?

昨年から恒例行事となった(?)大森Gの流しそうめん!今年は昨年の経験を活かし、より盛大で計画的なイベントとなりました。新鮮な竹をゲットしたり、美味しいそうめんの茹で方を学んだり、技術チームのお陰で準備に抜かりはありません。It has become an annual event since last year (?) Omori G’s Nagashi Somen! This year’s event was even grander and more organized, taking advantage of last year’s experience. Thanks to the technical team, we were able to get fresh bamboo, learn how to boil delicious somen noodles, and do all the other preparations.


そうめんでお腹いっぱいになった後はスイカ割り!1人目に名乗りを挙げたのは、剣道の達人Romainさん。寸分の狂いもなくスイカを一瞬で真っ二つに!After getting full of Somen, it was time to split the watermelon(Suika-wari)! The first one to take the lead was Romain, a kendo expert, who split the watermelon in half perfectly in an instant!



Usually, watermelon splitting is a game where a number of challengers fail and everyone tries again and again. At least I have played this game a lot since I was a little kid, and it was generally that way. So his beautiful hit was a bit of a letdown for me, but the first timers of this game were very excited and applauded. Their joyful faces made me reflect on the stereotypical image I had of watermelon splitting. Nagashi Somen and watermelon splitting, which is a rare experience even for Japanese people. We invited people from other groups to join us and enjoyed this summer event together.

*Sōmen (Japanese: 素麺) is a very thin noodle made of wheat flour. 

*Nagashi-sōmen (流しそうめん flowing noodles):Using a bamboo cut in half, somen noodles are floated along with water, caught with chopsticks, and eaten. This is considered a summer custom in Japan.

*Suikawari (スイカ割り watermelon smashing), is a Japanese beach activity in summer. Similar to the Mexican piñata, suikawari involves blindfolded players trying to smash a watermelon guided by the shouts of their friends.
