
Conference Participation Report (2023 DAMOP, Martin)

当研究室のインターン生Martinさんが、6/5~6/9にアメリカ合衆国、ワシントン州スポーカンで開催されたDAMOP2023(The 54th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics)に参加しました。その様子がわかるレポートがMartinさんから届きましたので、どうぞご覧ください!
Martin, an internship student of our lab, attended DAMOP2023 DAMOP2023(The 54th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics) held in Spokane, Washington, USA, from June 5 to 9. We have received a report from Martin, so please take a look!

DAMOP is the biggest conference on Atomic and Molecular physics in the USA. It takes place each year as one of the sub branches of the American Physical Society meetings.
This year, Ohmori group Assistant Professor Sylvain De Léséleuc as well as two graduate students Tom and Martin were sent to present research results.

Students :
We arrived in Seattle, Washington on Sunday the 4th and took a domestic flight to our final destination : Spokane, Washington. Since the conference started on the Monday we were able to visit the city on Sunday afternoon. The main point of interest being the historical electric dam of the city, built in late 1800s, which still produces about 15 MW of electrical power. Though the noise of 200rpm rotating rotor can be heard at hundreds of meters, it was not enough to wake up the jetlagged intern students

The conference started on Monday with prizes awarded to AMO physicists for outstanding
research developments. The most relatable to the lab’s work was the Rabi prize, awarded to
Adam Kaufman (UC Boulder, JILA) who built optical clocks using tweezer arrays similar to our

The following days were separated in two, with the morning filled with 15-30 min talks by various
groups on neutral atom new technologies and experiments. We noted the very fast development
of alkali earth platforms such as Ytterbium atoms, which are similar to Rubidium but propose a
more rich internal structure allowing for mid circuit measurement or optical transitions. Several
new results were also presented, such as two species entanglement (UChicago), the current
highest-fidelity two qubit gate (Lukin Group, Harvard 2023) as well as micro to optical wave
transducer which won the 2023 thesis prize. Sylvain presented at one of these sessions and even
obtained additional time for questions as the following presenter was absent, many questions
were asked from the expert audience.

The afternoon was focused around poster sessions of about two hours where PhD and graduate students present preliminary results of their lab’s research. This gave us a broader view of the work done in AMO physics, such as the cold atoms lab in the International Space Station or the recent work at MIT to enable quantum networking. We presented the lab’s results on our research lines, namely laser noise reduction and tweezer intensity and shape optimization.

