
お花見 Hanami🌸

Every spring, you can see wonderful cherry blossoms at the main entrance of the institute. The uphill climb from Higashi-Okazaki Station is painful, but when you look up, you are greeted by a tunnel of cherry blossoms, so please look up if you come during this time of year. In Japan, hanami is held every year around March or April. It is an ancient Japanese custom to appreciate the flowers on trees, mostly cherry blossoms, and to celebrate the arrival of spring.

大森グループも桜が散る前に岡崎城に花見にきました。みんなで桜の下昼ごはんを食べる。午後の仕事に戻りたくなくなっちゃいますね〜。We also came to Okazaki Castle to see the cherry blossoms before they fell. We all had lunch under the cherry blossoms. I don’t want to go back to work in the afternoon!

Sylvain keeping an eye on the distribution of the lunches