
Conference Report (Les Houches School, Rene)

当研究室のReneさんが、9/26~10/7にフランス、Les Houchesで開催されたCold Atom Predoc School in Les Houches Quantum Mixturesに参加しました。その様子がわかるレポートがReneさんから届きましたので、どうぞご覧ください!
Rene attended held Cold Atom Predoc School in Les Houches Quantum Mixtures in Les Houches, France, from 26 September – 7 October. We have received a report from him, so please take a look!

Cold Atom Predoc School in Les Houches 2022
“Quantum Mixtures”

About the school: The Cold Atom Predoc School in Les Houches, Francce, is a yearly school held in the alps region close to the border with Switzerland. The objective of the school is to give students at an early stage of their graduate studies in the cold atoms field the necessary knowledge on laser cooling and trapping, ultracold collisions, quantum gases and optical lattices. The school lasts for two weeks with two poster sessions where the participating students have the opportunity to present and discuss their results with other students and lecturers.

How this school benefitted me: I had the amazing opportunity to meet and befriend many talented young students doing research on cold atoms from various parts of the world. The lectures helped me reinforce my knowledge about laser cooling and trapping. Thanks to the lectures, I also discovered new research interests like periodically driven systems and topological effects. On a personal level, I was enamored by the breathtaking views of the alps, happily gained a few kilos eating baguette and fromage bleu and enjoyed sightseeing in my free time.