a. Research Topics

Dr. Sylvain was invited to give a talk at HQI- FQSP 1st Workshop.

Dr. Sylvain was invited to give a talk(online) at HQI(Harvard) – FQSP(RIKEN) 1st Workshop ” Perspectives of fundamental quantum science”, about “Ultrafast Rydberg experiments with ultracold atoms”.
(6/19/2024, RIKEN Headquarters Wako Campus, Saitama, Japan)

The Harvard Quantum Initiative (led by Prof. John Doyle), and the RIKEN Fundamental Quantum Science Program (led by Program Director Naoto Nagaosa) have organized their 1st workshop on “Perspectives of Fundamental Quantum Science” in Wako (Japan), gathering close to 50 participants for 3 days of oral and poster presentations.