Ongoing Projects

CAO/JST Moonshot Research and Development Program (2020 – 2025)

Moonshot Goal 6: “Realization of a fault-tolerant universal quantum computer that will revolutionize economy, industry, and security by 2050”

Large-scale and high-coherence fault-tolerant quantum computer with dynamical atom arrays(Project Manager)

Moonshot G6 Ohmori PM  JST Moonshot R&D Program  CAO Moonshot R&D Program 

Japan’s flagship program on quantum sciences and technologies “Q-LEAP” by MEXT (2018 – 2028)

Development of cold-atom based quantum simulators by optical control with precisions on the attosecond temporal and nanometer spatial scales and their applications to quantum computing

MEXT – Quantum Leap Flagship Program (MEXT Q-LEAP) 
Previous Projects

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (2016 – 2021)

A ddressing quantummany – body dynamics by ultra fast coherent control with attosecond precision (Principal Investigator)

Consortium for Photon Science and Technology (C-PhoST) Advanced Photon Science Alliance (APSA) 
